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Jun 24, 2017

ReGrained co-founders Jordan Schwartz and Dan Kurzrock have the most delicious way to address food waste - and especially grain waste from beer making: eat the grain. As UCLA students, Dan and Jordan wanted access to craft beer, but being too young to hit the local pub at the time, they made their own. Unlike many home brewers who simply sadly discard their spent grains, Jordan and Dan decided to figure out a way to repurpose the ingredients. A new snack food was born, and Jordan and Dan went into the bar business instead of the beer business. Dan and I recorded this episode way back in January, so you'll hear us mention Winter Fancy Food, where they had a booth. You missed them at that show, but you'll get to see them again. Good friend and pastry chef Phil Saneski (and co-founder of the Research Chefs student committee) has since joined their team, so you'll definitely hear from them again.

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